WinCopyDVD user manual - Menu



Click on the main windowú¼it pops up the Menu as following:

Select "Help" to startup the help manual;

Select "Homepage" to connect to our website in the case of your computer having internet.

Select "Support"ú¼and the program will automatically startup Microsoft Outlook Express and new an email, the addressee of which is ""

Select "Buy"ú¼and it will connect to our website in the case of your computer having internet.

Select "Auto...",the programe will automatically check if there is a new version whenver it startups.

Select "Update to Standard version"ú¼and it will connect to our net in the case of your computer having internet.

Select "Lisence"ú¼it will pop up the file named "Lisence.txt"

Select "About...", it will pop up "About window" which can show version number, the company's contacting way and registration name.

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